Capital Market

The Capital Market is one of our hottest desk - the teams are based in Beijing and Shanghai to perform executive search appointments for leadership roles based in Greater China, for a range of industry sectors as Mutual Funds, Hedge Funds, Securities Firm/Investment Banking Firms, covering IBD, Equities, Portfolio Management, General Management, and infrastructure functions as Risk, Product, Operations, etc. The team has been widely recognized by industry peers and some of the global top IB/AM firms for their China build-out projects, including C-level placements and challenging team hires for our strong China knowledge/resources, and the proven model leading the process through to help our clients achieve business success. With the further opening of China financial services market, we have seen and will see a lot more exciting opportunities for both global leading players and China talents - the team will ensure we are the voice for China market and remain top recruiting brand to empower the industry evolvement.


  • Mutual Fund
  • Equity Fund
  • Hedge Fund


  • Portfolio Management - Equities / Fixed Income / MMF / Quantatitive Investment / FOF/Pension
  • Research - Equity / Credi t/ Macro / Pension
  • Risk & Compliance - Legal / Compliance / Audit
  • Sales - Institutional / Channel / Equity Sales / QFII Sales
  • IB - IBD Bankers / ECM / DCM / Corporate Sales / Trader / Sales
  • Operations - Trade Support / Prop Trading / Brokerage

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