
The business in Cosmetics operates from three offices, recruiting Sales & Marketing professional into both global top brands and China rapidly-growing companies - the tremendous number of high-profile placements we have made in this particular sector has given us a business that seek us out to work with, giving us roles by our both existing accounts and perspective clients who heard of us for our expertise and capabilities. Rodd Hughes Cosmetics is at the forefront of this buoyant market and have huge ambition for the future.


  • Skin Care
  • Make-Up
  • Hair
  • Medical Cosmetology


  • General Management
  • Sales Management
  • Retail Management
  • PR&Event
  • Merchandising
  • BD
  • CRM
  • Training
  • Distribution
  • E-Commerce
  • Digital Marketing
  • Brand Marketing

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Rodd Hughes 冉得人才(上海) 有限公司 版权所有 备案:沪ICP备15056877号-1